Upcoming Projects Around the Township

Development Applications

            In the spirit of transparency, the Township has determined that posting development applications on the website allows all interested persons access to the same materials.  The developers of a land use application (“applicant”) may continue to update and modify these documents up until the time that the applicant presents the project to the Board.  The Township will continue to endeavor to post the newest version of documents submitted by the applicant in a timely manner.  Questions regarding the projects should be reserved until the public hearing of the “Land Use Board” as each application creates its own record that is subject to appeal. It is possible that a potential concern will be addressed in a subsequent iteration of the project documents.   

The applications in this section are not approved by the Board and there is no guarantee that the applications will ultimately be presented to the Board or approved by the Board.  The Township governing body, the Township Council, does not rule on development applications.  While the governing body accepts public comment during its scheduled meetings, those interested in making comment on development applications should make those comments to the Board members during the land use board hearing on the application so they can be part of the formal record. Board meeting dates and agendas may be found in the following locations:

Planning Board: Planning Agendas Minutes

Zoning Board of Adjustment: Zboa Agendas Minutes